Ikbal Lubys

Foundation, Sound Art Space, Open Expression, Production, Musical Education.

An independent institution founded in 2008 as one of the Yogyakarta based creative space, especially for sound and music, as a place for open expression, art education, music teaching and learning, as well as collaborative and interdisciplinary practices. Facilitating ideas, workshops, study visits, and performance for a wide audience with programs which focuses on guidance and community outreach efforts. Creating participatory projects that aim to attract new audiences, and provide opportunities to engage and join together experiences, explore new materials, techniques, and ideas.

Our programs are funded through regular music course, merchandise, and funding of members then is able to provide support of free work space or studio, equipment, production, residencies, etc for artists, musicians, practitioners sound, educators and others. Currently we are also organizing several projects and disseminating ideas through programs that are mostly free to access so that more educators, practitioners, and artists can benefit.

Its mission is to provide creative support for practice of art, music and sound as a source of inspiration and projects to foster creativity, provide support and experience of creative teaching and learning for all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Expand and develop the resources in the environment and inspiring alternative space that can live in different musical backgrounds and places a tremendous character.