Artist – Musician – Guitar Explorer – Builder – Improvisator – Sound Artist

Was born in Malang, East Java and based in Yogyakarta. A lot of learning from the previous projects about the difference of life, the way of thinking, and cultures. The main interest is a changes in people’s way of life, how the modernism and capitalism changes the tradition and culture. His work currently evolves transforming social issues, images and three dimensional forms in to sound in various presentation formats and collaboration with interdisciplinary artists arround the world including performing art, visual art, dance, and film. Among them Meg Stuart, Melati Suryodarmo, Jompet Kuswidananto, Daniel Kotter, Ignaz Schick, Arco Renz, The Kazimier, Lurie Crombie, Rully Shabara, Wukir Suryadi, etc. He involved in programming and mentoring in some residencies, conference, and art communities. He has been participated in several exhibition and Festival such Sidney Bienalle, Jeonbuk Museum of Art Korea, Brussel Europalia Festival, Bluedot Festival UK, Fon Festival UK, etc. In 2017 he awarded for Comission work of AND festival Manchester UK. He is also Co-founder of Ethnictro, one of the Yogyakarta based creative spaces for sound, music, and performance founded in 2008 as an independent institution which focuses on art education, teaching and learning.

STUDY (2004-2010)
Classical Guitar
Music education
Performing Art Faculty
Yogyakarta Indonesia
INSTITUTION ( 2008-present)