Ikbal Lubys


Due to increased need for sound in composing music or in improvisation and avoid the complex systems in the use of musical instruments, I sparked an idea to create a multi-instrument, multifunctional but simple to using. 

This instrument is a combination of 3 media. Keyboard controler/synthesiser, computer keyboard, and guitar  and has 2 outputs, the output jack for the guitar and the keyboard output of the midi controller. All of these elements can be functioned simultaneously.

Basically keyboard controller and computer keyboard has become one part, the addition is only on electric guitar devices, bridge, pickup, neck, and tuning machine. Elements of electric guitar installed on the sidelines of the empty part of the keyboard so won’t be interfere to the function of the keyboard. 

Due to increased need for sound in composing music or in improvisation and avoid the complex systems in the use of musical instruments, I sparked an idea to create a multi-instrument, multifunctional but simple to using.